Sunday, February 25, 2007

There is Freedom in Revelation, Truth in Realization

Flames lick the blackened ground a demons hand charring the untouched earth as with snaky finger of charcoal smoke reaching into the sky, grabbing greedily at th the rapidly receding skyline. The building was too old to survive, the city had wanted it destroyed years ago, brought down so new lofts and sky risers could spread out and overtake the last remaints of the areas humble rapidly forgotten history. A wave of new generation drowning the generations of its mother and fathers it origins in a rush to establish the supremacy of their own. Perhaps that is why, the firetrucks have yet to arrive, they are letting the fire takes it course, making sure the job is a job well done indeed.

Looking out the window from the third floor at the mass of fire erupting from the earth as if vomiting up the last vestiges of scandal and secrets the old building held before being brought down completely by it's own fiery consumption. I too have some secrets to expose of, with that I throw not one but two identical black leather bound journals into the growing hungry, cavernous mouth below. Ironically the fire destroying my imprisonment; my detachment from the world, shutting myself inside these four white walls, will be the destruction of my prisoner. Pining my life away upon pages of scrawled thoughts that cannot be shared, conversations that never were, experiences that were recorded but not lived. All this time I was searching for a past, yet I was a phantom in the present; neither sleeping nor eating but searching, always searching. Searching for what cannot be found, for what could a past tell me? I am the man who stands here today, a culmination of thoughts, experiences, emotions, I am that man regardless of memory, that I have always been. In my ruthless search to find out who I was, I lost sight of who I am, who I want to be. I lived too much for the past, and withered away my present destroying shard by shard a life for the future. Just as this fire consumes Thallow Flats, as the separate lives of it's occupants evacuate to mingle on the stairs exiting together out onto the street, pouring forth as one big culmination of lives, experiences, moments, thoughts until the building is brought down and those lives come together collect themselves to rebuild again, to move on, to continue. But those instances, in the raw burn where they shared everything they had going down in flame, that bond can never be destroyed. As the smoke leaks under the doorway, the building creaking as its foundation is slowly ravished as the fire works it way up, I too evacuate to the street below. Down here, in safety among the occupants, I lived among for so long and yet never really met, I, too watch the great building shudder and claim it's last sigh, I too, vow to rebuild, to begin anew, to live—as life goes on.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Blackness. Falling through the cracks, piling up, wrapping around familiar objects with it's inky curtain, transforming the familiar into vast crevices for… for what? When you're too old to believe in vampires and monster, you begin to be more afraid of reality than imagination. A reality that rises each morning and blinds all those who live for light, and in the night remain in darkness.
In abstract details and thoughts, half-finished dreams between sleep and consciousness, somewhere, I was prepared for this moment. Prepared to find out who I was. But what, no, who, does your past make you? Is anybody ever completely happy with their past, who they are inside, or how they got there? Perhaps, I am better off not knowing. Memories are meant to be re-lived, yet most feel the greatest emotional response when reliving the worst ones, filled with shame and perceived embarrassment, while the happiest fade bit by bit. And, if you had the power to choose a fresh start, a new life with no past, would you? Or would you want to know to validate some concept that you are already the embodiment of? Or, if you choose to know, how much better will you sleep at night with ghosts and shards of the past re-enacting inescapable defeats and slights before your eyes right just as you begin to drift in sleep.
So now, I sit on the broad rooftop of Thallow Flats, the city all but asleep before me and the heavy key anchored next to me upon the paved ridge, the black journal—still unopened. But the question I have, what I must be absolutely sure of, the one thing I keep coming back to--do I really want to know? And in the still of dark, with no breeze a cold draft wrenches the journal from it's place beside me and the journals clutters to the rooftop at my feet. The pages rustle and fall open; in the dim lit I can just make out the first entry. Goosebumps travel up my neck and the back of my arms, chills run down my back as I feel, for the first time that night, not quite alone...

Thursday, February 8, 2007

2-16-07_____________Time: 3: 59 p.m

In present time I woke up, not knowing what day it was or where I was. Deja vu hit and my stomach rolled with unease and hunger, not knowing what happened last night or the night before is a leaded dread to wake up to. It felt as if no time has passed and and once again I am reliving that first morning I finally awoke only to find myself in a bare room with nothing but a blank journal and strange clothes. This time a strange nonsensical dream of scattered images and faces, lies distantly but still present in my mind. Compulsively, I reach out for that familiar journal, now filled with entries and as I write this it starts trickling back. Slowly at first but then a flood of memories and images from the past couple of days submerse me, wave upon wave. As I write the last ones come, like distant friends tugging at my memory, trying to tell me something. I see the a simple glass vial tipped over, but there are no contents left to spill, a rough piece of white paper with something scrawled on it. Take with caution, effective immediately. Dose- 1/3 vial at one time = 10-12 hours undisturbed sleep. I had taken 3 doses, and slept through a day and a half. But why had I wanted the draught in the first place?

Slowly it came back... I had misplaced hours and hours, I won't find them, they're no longer mine to keep. Time's an intricate thread holding the days together into a bigger patch, of month, year, decade; a quilt pieced together by those little minutes and hours, marking our time, our brief passage. Sometimes, time will disappear; hold, pause. Or sometimes it just stops. I will piece together the next three days as best I can...

Vaguely, I remember bumping into a young girl, reaching under the shelf for the last elusive paper back, and as I brought my eyes lower to the last shelf I saw it. That black leather bound journal, so familiar yet untouched as I felt the old leather bound cover and the floppy half pages, I knew so well. Each page held in by the leather stitched binding, sewn by hand. I had never seen another journal like it, until now. It was my own.

Time here, is no longer relative. Disjointed images blend together, like the pieces of snow in a snow globe, shaken up then falling ever so lightly through the water. That clerk with the lanky frame and thick, obscure glasses.

"Excuse me, are you, uh, alright? Can I help you find something?"

"No I've haven't seen that before (here a perceptible shudder, hand withdrawn as he noted the aged, time worn cover) but then, we have a lot of unusual books and editions here. Perhaps Mrs. Ryan's would know…" he stammered, trailing off swiftly and stumbling back with eyes unmoving from the black journal. Why had he reacted so? I wished to question him further but he stumbled out of the aisle, precariously knocking into a thick stack of books.

Another image, flashes of scrawled handwriting spilling out, twisting and turning over one another in attempt to escape from the page, dancing before my eyes. The cramped r's, and loopy a's, and half crossed t' all sloping slightly right running before my eyes. Feel of pliant and slightly piling underside of the fine leather cover, marked in the upper left corner, barely legible. Jude V n ra ke with a date, unreadable except as a black smear. The handwriting could belong to no other. I don't remember leaving the bookstore, or whether I paid for my thoughts or not, I'd pay for them soon enough.

In another image I find myself at the door way of a little shop, with the journal firmly bound up and secured in my coat. “Hello! Welcome, welcome, please what may I get for you? Love potion? Perhaps a ” A small flighty man with white hair and laughing eyes winked at me, letting me in on his joke. “I need...a sleeping draught, anything please, just make it strong.” He glanced at me curiously, and then nodded quickly dancing from bin to bin, gathering herbs and roots and mixtures before disappearing behind a dusty red velvet curtain in the back.

Finally I find myself with two secure parcels heavily weighing on my conscience at Thallow Flats. The image is a blur of myself going through the motions, but one point becomes sharp among the static. A young man, around my age but with a different air, a foreign air about him. The point of collision on the entry way of the third floor, and then the black cover peeking out of the packaging from the rare book bag. That black corner, so sharp, even in recollection it is almost piercing with focus. I stumbled, thoughts doing pinwheels in my head, automatically reaching for my package to touch the familiar worn cover. No, he can't, impossible. But really, how many journals are there? Did I leave behind one, or a series? Either way, I have to get my hands on that book.